
Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Sam, I’m 25 years old and I live on Long Island, NY. I’m not a huge fan of talking about myself and try to avoid it as best I can, but I feel like my first post should be an introduction of sorts. I’m not entirely sure what I’ll be doing with this blog yet. My photography and art will definitely be my main focus, but I may also dabble in my love for all things Halloween, movies, and possibly my journey with anxiety/depression. It’s most likely going to be all over the place, so if that’s something you feel you can roll with, I hope you’ll stick around! To anyone reading this post, thank you so much for taking the time to do so! I’m excited to see where this goes!

Here are some random facts about myself that are in no particular order, just what first popped into my head:

  1. My favorite color is purple.

  2. I am scared to death of spiders.

  3. One of my favorite actors of all time is Jimmy Stewart.

  4. I LOVE Halloween and Autumn in general. My birthday is October 1st, so I’ve always felt a deep connection to that time of year.

  5. I played the violin from 5th-12th grade. I was a part of my high school’s pit orchestra during 11th and 12th. Both were great experiences and are some of my favorite memories from that time in my life.

  6. Some of my favorite directors are Tim Burton, Wes Anderson, and Christopher Nolan.

  7. I love to read. I don’t have any specific favorite authors currently, but anyone who writes creepy content is automatically awesome in my book.

  8. My favorite animals are lemurs and have been since 5th grade.

  9. I love horror films!! Some of my favorites are The Shining, The Omen (1976), Trick ‘r Treat, and Rosemary’s Baby. I’m also a huge fan of A24’s films.

  10. I’m a huge dork.

  11. *Bonus: I can flare my nostrils.

Me on my 25th birthday. Yes, that is a pumpkin Carvel cake.Photo taken by my sister.

Me on my 25th birthday. Yes, that is a pumpkin Carvel cake.

Photo taken by my sister.